Last weekend

Some instagram pics from last weekend.

Camilla, Simon and I played some games (correction: THEY played A game) on the terrace. For once in this cold country the sun was shining and we could sit outside without a winter jacket for a while without freezing to death ...

... we did later though.

Some friends came by and we had a "Kråkslottsparty" - Kråkslottet is my parents house c",)
Kalle R. showed us some photos from his younger days, and Kalle H. played guitarr and sang songs, just like Nordic Fridays! It was 9 degrees outside. That's insanely cold for a "summer" night in August I must say. When most of the crowd went home the rest of us cleaned the tables and went inside for more guitarr play and singing (by Ståhl!), and finally we fell asleep to Fight Club. On the couch. I can still feel the pain in my neck.

Saturday. Tess, Tomas, Micke and I went to Sickla for lunch and food shopping for the adults, while the kids were playing games in another store. We also tried out all the sofas and armchairs in one of the home furnishing stores. Many comfartable sofas, but the best one is still standing at T & T's apartment ♥ where we got a few minutes rest before going to my place for food, candy and a movie; Man on a Ledge (which I slept through).


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