
My last Friday on the island couldn't have been much better.

THANKS to everyone who showed up!


Dinner at Tapaz and then to Memories where we sang some songs and had too many shots - I think. I shouldn't drink shots. I lose my memory and I say stupid things. But it was really fun. & I'm happy that we didn't go any further than that (I won't miss you Paceville).


Today I feel like shit. No. Really. Like a bag of shit.


Aren't we pretty as hell? Oh yes, we are.


BBQ at Sandra and Sara's tonight. If you ask me right now I don't really feel like it, but in a couple of hours it will be better. I think it will be awesome! AWESOME is one of my favorite words in English. My absolute favorite word is SERENDIPITY. I love it! Taste it - it's beautiful.


Serendipity means a "happy accident" or "pleasant surprise"; specifically, the accident of finding something good or useful without looking for it. (wikipedia)


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